2.) Consideration to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Construction Agreement in a Form Approved by the City Attorney’s Office with Vancon Inc., for the Construction of the 9th and 10th Street Stairs and Water Improvements Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,423,161.00
(A) Public Input (B) Action
We live at 841 Park Ave. unit 1A, the proposed stairs will be to the north adjacent to our property line. Our concern is snow storage during the winter from shoveling the stairs. we would also like to know about the replacement of the waterline. we are concerned about water shut off during the process. It has also been mentioned that there will be work done by Rocky Mountain power on eighth and ninth Street and we would like to know how this would affect us. Thank you for your consideration.
We live at 841 Park Ave. unit 1A, the proposed stairs will be to the north adjacent to our property line. Our concern is snow storage during the winter from shoveling the stairs. we would also like to know about the replacement of the waterline. we are concerned about water shut off during the process. It has also been mentioned that there will be work done by Rocky Mountain power on eighth and ninth Street and we would like to know how this would affect us. Thank you for your consideration.