Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: July 09, 2020 at 3:45pm MDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Chelsea Steinbach over 4 years ago

    The art on Main Street is one of the best things the City has done to promote solidarity, unity and justice, and it's wonderful to see the City take a stance on the important issues that are happening right here in our community. Park City is known for its colorful downtown and local artists. Being able to showcase that with public art is exactly what Park City needs!

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    Carolyn Wawra over 4 years ago

    Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Kindness, and Belonging are aspects of the Park City Community. I support the art created on Main Street showcasing our values and am proud to call this community my home. Thank you to the bold leadership of Mayor Beerman and City Council.

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    Rick Barros over 4 years ago

    My comments concern the Huntsman property application to be heard July 9. I am the president of American Flag HOA. We are concerned about the wildfire danger posed by the Huntsman property. The applicant's arborist report does not adequately address the dead trees standing or lying on the ground. Please see the more recent photos attached to the Wildfire Risk Assessment report on page 26 which I submitted prepared by a wildfire expert. Please also see the email I sent yesterday.

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    Michelle Deininger over 4 years ago

    I want to thank the city for giving the mural artists freedom to create work that addresses a major moment in current society. Even in our rarefied air, there is no point in pretending that the protests over George Floyd’s murder aren’t occurring and sparking frank dialogue and overdue change around the world.

    People are certainly free to dislike messages such as “Black Lives Matter,” though that does make one wonder if the dislike stems from a belief that Black lives do not matter, or that Black lives matter less, or that Black people should not speak freely about injustice and inequality. To those who say politics have no place on Main Street, have you seen Banksy’s piece? Do you know anything about Banksy? It’s hard to get more political than that. Art is very frequently political and borne of its time. It may provoke, offend and disturb. But censorship is not an American value.

    Those who say “I have nothing against black people but I don’t want any of this BLM stuff on my nice fancy street” are willfully looking away from others’ suffering, and not adhering to the simplest of moral principles: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And those who vandalize commissioned artwork on our city’s streets have committed a crime as well as tried to silence and censor messages of equality that are protected by the First Amendment.

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    Ellen Silver over 4 years ago

    I am grateful for the city's leadership and initiative in addressing justice and social equity in the community. The collaboration with local artists to achieve the mural project is an important step. While the vandalism was upsetting and disappointing ; I am hopeful that
    there will be opportunity for open and honest dialogue moving forward. Thank you for encouraging this conversation.

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    Juliana Duran over 4 years ago

    I'm proud of my home town officials for their work in supporting local artists while elevating the voices of those disenfranchised in our community and around our country. I fully support this work and look forward to getting involved in future community mural projects in Park City alongside talented artists, peers, and communities of color. Thank you for making a bold statement and starting a meaningful and hopefully constructive dialogue around race, and the role that art plays in our lives as a form of expression.

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    Ileana Anderson over 4 years ago

    After reading the Park Record comments about the vandalism to the BLM mural, I felt disappointed. There are still some in this town who refuse to acknowledge that racism is pervasive. However, there are many more of us who want this town to be more inclusive. As white allies, our voices need to be louder. I also saw a lot of comments about being color blind. Being color blind is a privilege for white people. We will not solve anything by being color blind. I hope to see even more murals that make people uncomfortable, so we can start to make Park City a more inclusive and inviting place.

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    Abby McNulty over 4 years ago

    Thank you City Council for your leadership and collaboration with the Summit County Arts Council. The murals on main street are an expression of important values - inclusion and diversity. Your leadership in these challenging times, on these challenging issues, is greatly valued and needed.

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    Christine Coleman over 4 years ago

    I was so proud to be a Parkite when I learned about the mural project and offer my sincere thanks to the city council for its decision to commission art focused on racial equity and social justice. I think this project reflects the values of a vast majority of our residents, and I hope the "Black Lives Matter" mural is repaired after the hate crime that defaced it. Park City needs to be a place where ALL people can feel included and the vocal minority against this project have clearly shown why many people don't feel included or comfortable in our town. Thank you for your courage to raise these issues and be part of the conversation to make positive change happen in our city and country.

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    Heather Currie over 4 years ago

    Sincerest thanks to Park City for listening to our community's call for bold action in last year's Vision 2020 gatherings. Hundreds of community members who are invested in Park City's future took the time to attend these gatherings and offer their input. There was a strong call for bold change surrounding each critical pillar. Arts, culture and equity are among these critical pillars. I am disappointed that someone chose to vandalize sanctioned art in the dark, rather than show up and engage in the very community conversations these murals encourage and invite. Because this person was not bold enough to make their own art in the light of day, but rather anonymously destroyed another's, it is safe to say they do not represent our collective community values. I have yet to personally encounter someone who wasn't moved by the art on Main Street. I strongly urge Park City to continue on this path of standing boldly for inclusivity and equity through art and other community projects.

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    Mary Wright over 4 years ago

    I want to applaud City Council and the Arts Council for the murals on Main Street. My husband and I made a special trip to see them on Sunday and were impressed with the number of people enjoying a beautiful summer evening, no cars, plenty of social distancing and masks. The murals show our community's commitment to social equity. The fact that one was defaced shows how much work needs to be done to educate everyone to the needs of all. Please continue the good work and know you have the support of many.

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    Sarah MacCarthy over 4 years ago

    Thank you to the mayor and City Council for taking a stand on the injustices that exist within our system. I was very proud to see that Park City stepped up to the occasion and took a stand on the current issues affecting our country. Thank you to Park City Municipal, Summit County Arts Council and all the amazing artists that took part in the exhibition of art last Saturday. I do believe that the majority of our community supports these efforts and we can't let the voices of the minority overtake the important antiracist messages that are being communicated. Let's all stand up and be allies. Now is the time!

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    Beth Holzman over 4 years ago

    I am proud to call Summit County and Park City my home based on the leadership the Council and PCMC have shown during these challenging times. Initiatives like creating a pedestrian space to support economic recovery, prioritizing resident and visitor health with the mask mandate, and the beautiful mural project on Main St that shows the importance of equity and inclusion are all examples of our local government living the 2020 Vision. Commitments to supporting local businesses, protecting public health, and creating community resilience for all residents are not just empty words here - they are being backed up by action, which I hope will continue as our community has much more work to do to achieve these goals. I heard the artist's mural that was disrepectfully vandalized is willing to repair it - I strongly support this!!

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    Juliann Fritz over 4 years ago

    I am thankful for the leadership and support of the City Council and the mayor to celebrate diversity and host Utah artists who creativity shined a spotlight on issues facing us today – locally and globally. The mural art project on Main St. is an important program that’s helping the community have conversations, come together, and see that social equity is needed more now than ever. I was saddened to hear people upset with this creative expression. And, oh, so terribly disappointed with the vandalism of it. This is not the Park City I know and love! This community is better than that. We welcome the world. Please continue to support expression through the arts and may we all embrace positive dialogue, celebrate diversity, create equality, and continue to make our spot in the world better for it.

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    Kitty Northrop Friedman over 4 years ago

    As a member of the community who works in Park City limits, I am deeply proud of our City leadership's decision and thank you for offering visible city space to celebrate art and share the incredibly important messages about equity and race conveyed in the beautiful murals. As leaders of our City, you made an important contribution to this dialogue by giving space for a public declaration of our community's values. I am deeply saddened that a mural has been defaced with an attempt to erase the import of the Black Lives Matter message. I stand in support of our City Council and Mayor's leadership with hopes that we will continue to make space and prompt public conversations about race and equity in an effort to live more fully into our aspirational vision.

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    Bryan Markkanen over 4 years ago

    It was discouraging and sadly expected that someone found a mural with a meaningful message, so offensive that they had to vandalize a work of art and desecrate a message meant to spark discussion about confronting some of our ghosts from the past. It only highlights the need to keep involved in these discussions, and flesh them out in different ways.
    I would hope that this could be re-installed by the artist with additional support from the City. I also hope there are more presentations of art and other means to open dialogues in efforts for this community (and country) to become a more cohesive and empathetic place. I thank the City and Arts councils for moving forward with this decision and support any means to remedy the vandalism.

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    Katherine Wright over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of Park City, and I'm writing to commend you on the Main Street Mural project. My family and I visited Main Street on Sunday because we wanted the opportunity to see the murals. They are powerful, beautiful, and important. We walked all of Main Street - twice - because we enjoyed so much meeting the artists and bumping into friends. But most importantly, the art was a platform to talk to my young children about race and justice. Art is meant to inspire and provoke conversation and it did both for me and my family.

    As you know, I also serve as Executive Director of Park City Community Foundation. In the past three months, we've had more people - restaurant owners, board members, community members - reach out and ask how they can learn about anti-racism. We've had broad support for our shared social equity work since its inception, however, people are more dedicated now than ever. They are ready to dig in to become a more inclusive community.

    I share their dedication. This moment has proven how much work there is to be done, and I'm thrilled that as my elected leaders, you are committed. Thank you!

    I applaud your leadership.

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    Diego Zegarra over 4 years ago

    It takes courage and decisiveness to act on our values. Action is what shows the world that we stand behind our words. I'm grateful for the City's leadership in the race equity murals that now adorn our beloved Main Street. I am certain that this will prove to be a good decision on all fronts, and see the divisiveness that has arisen as an opportunity. Where before it was veiled, individuals with fringe opinions are now feeling the need to express them. No challenge or problem can be addressed without first recognizing it, and at this moment, we cannot look away from it. Let's work together on addressing these challenges with love, education, and compassion. Thank you to those who act on their beliefs and speak out against injustice.

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    Sarah Ervin over 4 years ago

    Dear Mayor and City Council: Our family and friends were elated to see the Main Street murals expressing Park City's values of solidarity and inclusion. Thank you for collaborating with the Arts Council to hire such talented and diverse artists to create these beautiful messages. With all that is happening nationwide, we were incredibly proud to see Park City clearly and boldly stating support for social justice matters. We were equally appalled and saddened that anyone would seek to devalue these messages by defacing the Black Lives Matter mural. It is our sincere hope that the City Council will restore the BLM mural as soon as possible, and my family and I look forward to participating in ongoing efforts outlined by the Council and the Community Foundation to build a more socially equitable community.

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    Naomi Smith over 4 years ago

    Thank you very much to the Mayor and the Council for standing in solidarity with the BLM movement and acknowledging the social equity issues that we face in our community. I firmly appreciate the courage you all had to bring in artists of color to represent Park City by painting a mural along Main Street. I am upset that a member of the same community, building towards a more equal future, would dare change those values by defacing the piece of art representing a movement. I hope you will all take steps of action to ensure that we will get to see the full mural once again. Thank you again for believing in a socially equitable Park City for generations to come.