Meeting Time: June 10, 2020 at 5:30pm MDT

Agenda Item

5.C) Park City Mountain Resort Base Parking Lots - Work Session - Discussion of Request to Amend the 1998 Park City Mountain Resort (PCMR) Development Agreement (DA) to Replace Expired Exhibit D of the DA, the 1998 PCMR Base Area Master Plan Study Concept Master Plan, with a New Master Plan, Known as the Park City Base Area Lot Redevelopment Master Plan Study. *Public Input will be taken via e-comments* PL-20-04475.

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    Sherie Harding over 4 years ago

    I submitted two important comments via email. Please read my concise comments during the meeting.
    Sherie Harding

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    Deborah Hickey over 4 years ago

    Please read my email submitted to Planner Alex yesterday and comment.
    Thank you
    Deborah Hickey

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    Deborah Rentfrow over 4 years ago

    I own a home on Empire Avenue and the pedestrian and traffic patterns put forth by PEG are not an improvement for the immediate community nor those driving in. Safety for pedestrians is already compromised and the plan does nothing to improve the safety. In addition, the one way traffic pattern will be very difficult for those living on Lowell or Empire and will require every vehicle to pass the resort regardless of whether they are going to the resort.

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    Belinda Simile over 4 years ago

    I own condos In the Silver Mill House building at Resort Plaza and am the President of the Marsac Mill Manor and Silver Mill House Condominium Association.

    I sent an email to Ms. Ananth this afternoon with comments related to the PEG development at the PCMR base as am having trouble getting the submit button to work on this website. Hoping the email can be read at the meeting and copy provided to the Commissions and applicant in the event I am still not able to get my comments through on the system.

    Thank you.

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    Clayton Stuard over 4 years ago

    I concur with the Planning Department's recommendation that "the Planning Commission determine that the submitted application is substantively different than the 1997 Large Scale Master Plan (MPD) and requires a new MPD, not an amendment to the existing MPD" for all of the reasons stated in Exhibit A - Zoning Review Memorandum dated May 27, 2020 and as re-stated and attached to the Final Staff Report dated June 10, 2020.

    - the requested building heights are absurd at 75-85 feet above grade in a RC zone that allows 35 feet.
    - a reduction in setbacks is not justified since the proposed building forms are far less articulated than the building forms specified in the DA.
    - the DA does not permit the transfer of density from one parcel to another.
    - significant variation from the DA approved volumetrics are being requested (not a single cubic foot of additional mass/volume should be permitted on any building on any parcel of the revised plan, for any reason whatsoever including above grade parking).
    - I can't understand WHY a tentative public hearing schedule has been outlined for an INCOMPLETE APPLICATION.