Meeting Time: September 09, 2020 at 5:30pm MDT

Agenda Item

7.A) Land Management Code Amendments – Amendments to Chapter 15-6, Master Planned Developments (MPDs), to (1) Clean Up Remnant Pre-MPD Application Language; (2) Outline Review of Substantive and Minor Modifications; (3) Separate the Conditional Use and MPD Review and Approval Process; (4) Require MPD Review under all Relevant LMC Sections; (5) Note More or Less Restrictive Height or Setback Approvals in Development Agreements and on Plats; (6) Require a Public Hearing Prior to Ratification of a Development Agreement; (7) Establish Commission Discretion to Require Applicants to Provide and Fund Additional Studies; (8) Include Traffic Mitigation as a Required Finding and Conclusion; and (9) Non-Substantive Edits to Clean Up the Code. (A) Public Hearing (B) Possible Recommendation for City Council’s Consideration on October 1, 2020

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