Meeting Time: September 23, 2020 at 5:30pm MDT

Agenda Item

5.C) Master Planned Development, Conditional Use Permit, and Development Agreement Amendment – Amendments to the King’s Crown Master Planned Development, Conditional Use Permit, and Development Agreement to Convert Two Attainable Units to Affordable Units and Five Attainable Units to Market-Rate Units. PL-20-04612 (A) Public Hearing (B) Final Action

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    Deborah Rentfrow over 4 years ago

    As a resident on Empire, my primary concern is this setting a precedent that potentially will be thrown in the face of the City Council and Planning Commissions when the PCMR Base Area is developed. Based on supporting documentation included with the Staff Report, the only party against the change in classification of 7 units was the purchaser of the only attainable unit sold. According to their email, the developer stopped marketing the other 6 attainable units and has already been "getting them ready for market" by upgrading the units. Now the developer comes to the Housing Authority, City Council & Planning Commission asking for an exception. It's dangerous territory as any future developer for PCMR Base Area will take it as a precedent and permission to make changes that do not meet the approved MPD and be able to cite such a grant of permission to amend in recent history. In addition, if indeed our community doesn't have a viable population for attainable units, this requirement for future developments should be reviewed. Thank you.

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    Jamie Peters over 4 years ago

    . I oppose any plan in the PEG development proposal that includes moving the transit center from its existing location. Relocating the Transportation center from its existing location could have devastating consequences for businesses in the existing Park City Base Area. Reducing parking in the upper lot (Parcel B), eliminating a skier drop off where it exists now, and not providing adequate pedestrian access thru Parcel B will also damage existing resort base businesses.Steamboat Springs Resort had a redevelopment of the base area many years ago. The Transit Center there was moved to a lower location and the focus of the resort moved with it. This resulted in most of the businesses located in the original base area, known as Ski Time Square, to go out of business. Please don’t let the existing resort center become a Ski Time Square.

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    Stan Rodman over 4 years ago

    The proposed amendment to convert 5 of the 7 "attainable" condominiums at Kings Crown to market-rate units means that new condominiums that were priced at $569,000 will now be for sale by the developer for in excess of $900,000. How many Park City residents attempted to qualify for these "attainable" units and failed? In my case, despite being a 9-year tax-paying resident of Park City, within the Park City School District and having a daughter attending a Park City school, following a 4-month back-and-forth with the City and the developer I was denied the opportunity to purchase one of these units at Kings Crown due to being an employee of Delta Airlines based in Salt Lake. If this amendment is approved, how many local Park City residents will be able to afford the same, formally "attainable" units, now priced at nearly $1,000,000?