Meeting Time: October 28, 2020 at 5:30pm MDT

Agenda Item

8.B) 327 McHenry Avenue – Plat Amendment – The Applicant Proposes to Combine Lot B and Lot C of the 331 McHenry Avenue Subdivision Into One (1) Lot of Record which Contains 7,501 Square Feet. PL-20-04666 (A) Public Hearing (B) Possible Recommendation to City Council on November 19, 2020.

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    Frank Watanabe over 4 years ago

    I am a neighbor of 327 and 331 McHenry, residing at 202 Ontario. I strongly support the proposal to merge Lots B and C of 331 McHenry. I believe that the lots as currently platted are too small, and building two houses on the two individual lots would leave sub-sized homes too close to the adjacent houses and McHenry and Ontario. I think it would be far preferable to have a single lot with an appropriate sized home that is more in line with the adjacent properties.