Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 5:30pm MST

Agenda Item

4.A) Park City Mountain Resort Base Parking Lots - MPD Modification - Replace Expired Exhibit D of the DA, the 1998 PCMR Base Area Master Plan Study Concept Master Plan, With a New Master Plan, Known as the Park City Base Area Lot Redevelopment Master Plan Study. This Hearing Will Focus on Revised Plans for Building B. PL-20-04475. *Public Input will be taken via e-comments* (A) Public Hearing, No Action Will Be Taken

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    Mary Whitesides over 4 years ago

    I am a 40 year resident of Old Town Park City. There is a certain look feel and ambience that attracts visitors to our community. Over the years we have fought various battles to keep our town authentic, true to its history and surround it with open space. As you know, in 1998 Powder Core along with PCMR presented a plan for development of the open parking lots at the foot of the Park City resort. Their presentation was filled with the research they’d done, a sympathetic extension of Historic Park City, compatible architecture, plazas, landscaping and a welcoming entrance to the development. The architecture reflects the historic mining town turned ski resort. This is the very kind of look that attracts people to our community. In 2020 PEG has presented a plan that they claim was put together through research. It in no way has the same appeal the 1998 plan has. The buildings are crammed into the space, the architecture is a generic barracks, campus like, housing project presentation that in no way extends the welcoming look and feel of Park City. It smacks of a look that considers the bottom line only. I would urge the planning commission to carefully consider the impact that will have on the future of Park City. This is our last opportunity to make or break our beloved town. Thus, the historic decision should be made to reject the current PEG plan. It would behoove the developer, the citizens, and the planning commission to reconsider the 1998 plan and perhaps with a few upgrades such as making it a green project for net zero footprint, could be a win, win for citizens, developer and visitors.

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    Sherie Harding over 4 years ago

    Thank you Commissioners for your excellent questions. Our 1998 CMP was thoughtfully done, it took untold hours, it has very appealing characteristics, and it supports our 2020 Vision. Park City embraced the 1998 Plan. 2020 building heights, volumes, and set backs do not come close in appearance or expectations of the 1998 plan. Building facades go in and out and up, but do not step back from roadways, public plazas and neighborhoods as they did in the 1998 plan.

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    Moira Howard over 4 years ago

    Who is going to be responsible for and pay for the ongoing future maintenance of the parking garages once PEG moves out? This has become a great expense for owners of the Lodge at the Mountain Village. The garages are the foundation of the buildings so a lot rides on them!!
    If someone qualifies for affordable housing, I question if they will be able to afford the high homeowners' dues which this project is likely to require. Will their HOA dues be subsidised and if so, by whom?
    To whom do parking garage fees go?
    As I previously emailed, the buildings as proposed, even with the new plan, are far too tall and dense and dwarf the surrounding properties.
    Setbacks, sidewalks - insufficient. Pedestrian/traffic conflicts - a nightmare........
    Thanks for your work and consideration.

    Moira Howard