7.A) 9300 Marsac Ave (Sommet Blanc/B2East Parcel) - Applicant is Requesting a Work Session Before the Planning Commission Prior to Public Hearings for a Conditional Use Permit and Amendments to the Approved Master Planned Development and Flagstaff Development Agreement for Proposed Development of 43 Residential Units Above Underground Parking, 4 Townhome Villas within 2 Duplexes on the North-Eastern Portion of the Site, a 3,600-Square-Foot Public Restaurant, and a Detached Ancillary Ski Locker Building. PL-21-04771 & PL-20-04702
Why isn't there any public notice about the curb cutting proposal? I also want to address safety concerns about what I am experiencing on Marsac. Mike Heackley
Why isn't there any public notice about the curb cutting proposal? I also want to address safety concerns about what I am experiencing on Marsac. Mike Heackley