Meeting Time: September 08, 2021 at 5:30pm MDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

8.A) 543 Park Ave - Hotel, Minor Conditional Use Permit - The Applicant Requests a Minor Hotel Conditional Use Permit to Convert the Washington School Inn, a Landmark Historic Structure on the Park City Historic Sites Inventory in the Historic Residential -- 1 Zoning District, from a Bed and Breakfast to a Minor Hotel with Accessory Facilities for Events. PL-20-04477. (A) Public Hearing; (B) Continuation to October 13, 2021

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    John Plunkett over 3 years ago

    P U B L I C I N P U T

    Re: Washington School CUP Request for ‘Accessory Facilities for Events’

    September 8, 2001

    Dear Planning Commissioners,

    We are nine, long-time Park Avenue homeowners who would all be directly affected by this proposed CUP.

    Let us start by saying we think the new owners of the Washington School have been good neighbors. But, we believe this is true primarily because of the limitations the City has placed on the School over the years regarding parking and, especially, the prohibition against ‘Organized Outdoor Events’ in our Residential Zone.

    We don’t mind if this Bed & Breakfast wants to call itself a Hotel (which it has done now for several years), but we would greatly mind if the City were to allow any Outdoor Organized Activities in our quiet, HR-1 neighborhood. The same goes for any increased parking or shuttle activity.

    While outdoor events at the Kimball Garage _might_ be considered ok by some, and are at least in a Commercial Zone, there is no good reason for the City to enable outdoor commercial activities in the middle of our residential neighborhood.

    Collectively we homeowners have spent millions over decades, preserving and improving our beautiful street –– Please don’t harm us now.

    The School’s new owners bought a historic B&B whose CUPs control parking and prohibit outdoor organized activities –– Conditions that have worked well now for decades.

    Regarding the number of rooms that a B&B is allowed, The Inn had 15 rooms for years and now has 12 –– We don’t mind if the City gives the School a special permission to keep 12 rooms as a grandfathered Use within their B&B CUP.


    John Plunkett and Barbara Kuhr,
    557 Park Avenue & 564 Woodside Avenue

    Kirsten Ehrich & family
    553 Park Avenue

    John & Dianne Browning & family
    563 Park Avenue

    Linda and Will Cox & family
    575 Park Avenue

    Bill & Robin Dark & family
    594 Park Avenue