Meeting Time: March 24, 2021 at 5:30pm MDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6.D) Park City Mountain Resort Base Parking Lots - MPD Modification - Replace Expired Exhibit D of the DA, the 1998 PCMR Base Area Master Plan Study Concept Master Plan, With a New Master Plan, Known as the Park City Base Area Lot Redevelopment Master Plan Study. This Hearing Will Focus On the Applicant’s Proposed Circulation and Transportation Plans, Scenario 2b, in Accordance with the MPD, and Applicable LMC, General Plan and Transportation Master Plan Criteria. PL-20-04475. *Public Input will be taken via e-comments* (A) Public Hearing, No Action Will Be Taken

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    Jamie Peters almost 4 years ago

    As an owner of 3 businesses in the existing PC Mountain Resort base area, I am writing to ask that the transit center remain in the location it has existed for the last 30+ years. Moving the transit center to a lower location would severely impact our retail customers and guests of the existing condominiums. It seems the planning department is concerned about sticking to the 1998 plan as much as possible, and I believe that plan left the transit center where it is. Please do no harm to the existing base area by relocating the bus stop or decreasing parking at the base.