Meeting Time: March 15, 2022 at 5:00pm MDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.) Discuss Deer Valley Development Company  Petition for the City to Vacate Portions of Right-Of-Way on Deer Valley Drive West and South, and to Dedicate Doe Pass Road to the City, as Part of the Snow Park Village Subdivision Application. No Action Will Be Taken. (A) Public Input

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    Sally Jablon almost 3 years ago

    The local residents are watching this meeting with horror as there has been no mention of the potential impact on the adjacent communities.

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    John Broadbent almost 3 years ago

    I have several comments regarding which my family will likely be submitting a more fulsome comment letter to you. The most immediate issue, because it was one of the first agenda items tonight, is the buses. My family has come to Park City for close to two decades now. A few years ago, my mother purchased real property on Deer Valley Dr. N. With two family members who do not drive (including myself), our family's decision relied to a significant degree on the bus routes going in both directions.

    Perhaps due to COVID, The bus routes have been unreli

    Bottom lie

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    Mark Balestra almost 3 years ago

    The proposal to "Vacate Portions of Right-Of-Way on Deer Valley Drive West and South" is bad for the residents and property owners of this community. When the 'Village' concept was initially reviewed by the city 45 years ago, it is unlikely that they would have foreseen the extent of the development that has occurred in and around Deer Valley and/or the increase in the % of full time residents. Even in just the 20 years since my family built our home here, the area has become almost entirely impacted.

    I am a resident of the Hidden Oaks neighborhood and, during the busy season, it often takes 30 minutes just to drive from the bottom of Solamere Drive to the traffic circle. I cannot imagine a scenario where the City can mitigate the traffic impact that will be added by this massive development PLUS the selfish idea of cutting off resort access from the west side of the Deer Valley Loop in order to provide a direct ski lift connection. If the resort 'needs' ski-in, ski-out access, build a bridge (or tunnel?) as was done downtown.

    It's bad enough that most of the ingress and egress to/from our neighborhood has to filter through the narrow Deer Valley Drive passageway. Heaven forbid that there is a major fire or other disaster as this proposed change of right-of-way (not to mention the Village itself) will, I fear, pose / compound a real danger to residents.

    I am a strong NO on this change of right of way. Furthermore, I encourage the city to take into account the safety and well being of its existing, tax-paying property owners and, within their power, minimize the impact of this development altogether.

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    Amit Verma almost 3 years ago

    I am a strong 'No" on the proposed traffic plan. The Deer Valley base is like a bowl. What plans does Alterra have to avoid air pollution? If anyone has been to a third would country or seen pictures of India and China - the bowl will trap all the combustions from the vehicles and make it unbearable for the residents and significantly affect the foliage and wildlife in the area.

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    Charles Southey almost 3 years ago

    I am a strong NO on "Vacate Portions of Right-Of-Way on Deer Valley Drive West and South." This is city and, subsequently, resident owned property. Do not give away our rights for the interest of big business. This will exponentially increase congestion, make the roads much less safe, limit access for neighbors who bought property exactly for that access and put pedestrians and bikers in harms way. The environmental impact of thousands of backed up cars will get worse. We need better traffic planning not worse. Alterra has every right to expand but not at the cost of the residents rights.