Meeting Time: March 01, 2022 at 5:00pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5.A) 2704 Meadow Creek Drive - Appeal of a Code Enforcement Complaint Disposition - On February 8, 2022, the Board of Adjustment Granted a Third Party (non-owner/applicant) Appeal of a Building Department Code Enforcement outcome declining to take any action on a previously issued Building Permit for the Construction of a 361-square-foot sauna, a Detached Accessory Building, for Lot 4 of the Willow Ranch Subdivision. The Board of Adjustment is scheduled to issue their Findings of Fact.  (A) Public Hearing; (B) Action 

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    Will Lange almost 3 years ago

    To: Board of Adjustments Park City, Ut.
    From: Will Lange, President Willow Ranch HO
    Subject: Greens Sauna, Appeal of Enforcement Determination
    It seems to me that if the Board of Adjustments can hear a Complaint, after the fact as in the Greens case, and find in favor of a complaint from a disgruntled person who is not being negatively impacted, how can anyone who receives a building permit be absolutely comfortable in building something knowing it could be appealed as not legitimate. That is exactly what has happened with the Greens.

    The cities Planning Staff and Legal Department and Engineering Department are funded by taxpayer dollars and they are paid to ensure that the code is followed and that the rules are followed. If they are incompetent that is one thing but if they are competent and do their job properly and go by the letter of the code and the law it seems to me that citizens who wish to receive permission/permits to do certain things should be able to have confidence that those departments are competent and that at some future point their approvals will not be overruled by a frivolous appeal to the Board of Adjustments by a party who was not harmed in any way by the structure that was approved and built.

    In my opinion the board of adjustment is completely out of line and that by overruling the planning department/the legal department/the engineering department they are undermining the validity of tax payer funded city government. Where does that authority come from? Where does their authority end?

    Will Lange
    President, Willow Ranch HOA
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    Suze Weir almost 3 years ago

    My name is Suze Weir and I am a resident of the Willow Ranch Development and a member of the Willow Ranch Homeowners Association. I am extremely upset about the handling of a complaint about the sauna mentioned at 2704 meadow creek drive,up for decision at the Board of Adjustments meeting on Tuesday March 1. The Greens went through all the channels in the City to be compliant with the requirements for a permit and even went through a further (second)review by the building department when they altered their plans to satisfy a request from another homeowner. They adhered to all the rules and then some! They have done NOTHING WRONG. Mr Theobald has brought a frivolous accusation illegally. He’s been given the the right to do this when by his own admission he missed deadlines and submitted to the wrong department in the city. Why is he permitted to persist “ outside the rules of the law” while the Greens who did everything by the law in good faith are bring incorrectly charged? Why is the Board of Adjustments ruling on this? I think this is outrageous and I think this item should be dismissed at once. This whole procedure has so many disturbing elements.