Creative Biolabs has accumulated extensive experience in offering a full range of antibody development service during the past decade. Currently, we have constructed a novel service system to provide high-quality and comprehensive non-IgG therapeutic antibodies services. Learn more: epithelial carcinoma treatment

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With years of experience in the field of molecular and cell biology research, Creative Biolabs is capable of supporting all aspects of your exosome research. Equipped with state-of-art tools and technologies, we offer the most comprehensive exosome-related research services, ranging from isolation and characterization to cargo profiling and engineering, for a better understanding of their physiological functions, for the discovery of clinical biomarkers, and for engineering of exosomes for therapeutic applications. Learn more: exosome Solutions

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With a combination of scientific and technological excellence and a committed and passionate multifunctional team, Creative Biolabs is in a leading position to develop and commercialize in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests. As a trusted partner to pharmaceutical companies, we offer IHC-based companion diagnostics (CDx) development services to help advance their efforts to bring the most effective personalized cancer therapies to global markets. Learn more: cdx biomarker

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This gene encodes a member of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channels. The encoded protein shows slow kinetics of activation and inactivation, and is necessary for the cardiac pacemaking process. This channel may also mediate responses to sour stimuli. Mutations in this gene have been linked to sick sinus syndrome 2, also known as atrial fibrillation with bradyarrhythmia or familial sinus bradycardia. Learn more: hcn4 antibody

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Creative Biolabs focuses on studying the role of γδ T cell in the progression of cancer and discovering new γδ T cell based therapies for cancer. We integrate deep-rooted biological expertise with our comprehensive γδ T profiling and development technologies to rapidly discover and advance a pipeline of γδ T cell based therapy to treat cancer. Learn more: T Cell Development

Creative Biolabs has extensive experience in offering immune checkpoint inhibitor discovery services for therapeutic and diagnostic development. Now we provide the novel high-throughput screening service for small molecule inhibitors discovery against immune checkpoints. We would try our best to provide a customized proposal to meet your project requirements in the quality, timeline, and budget manner. Learn more: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Screening

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Idea: c minuta

Christensenella minuta is a recently described gastrointestinal bacterium that plays a significant role in the prevention of obesity. Here, Creative Biolabs provides a comprehensive range of high-quality services and support for the development of probiotics based on Christensenella minuta. Learn more: c minuta

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Neuroimaging is now the predominant technique in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience. The development of neuroimaging techniques such as high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), or single photon emission tomography (SPECT) has promoted the identification of structural and functional characteristics underlying mental disorders to a great extent. Learn more: neuroscience imaging

By applying our state-of-the-art Macrophage Therapeutics Development Platform as well as industry-leading expertise, Creative Biolabs provides overall solutions for Macrophage Reprogramming, focusing on innovative research. Our multidisciplinary scientists will work together closely to address the scientific and technical challenges in macrophage reprogramming.

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Creative Biolabs is looking for potential partners (include but not limit to major pharma or biotech firms) to develop anti-CCL2/CCR2 axis targeted therapeutic antibody program together. Our scientists are dedicated to bringing together years of valuable experience to our partner and achieve a meaningful partnership. For commercial partners interested in our Next-IO™ programs, Creative Biolabs welcomes collaboration. Learn more: Next-IO™ Anti-CCL2/CCR2 Axis Targeted Therapeutic Antibody Program

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When our mRNA is delivered to the target cell, the cell's machinery recognizes it and translates it, restoring or augmenting protein function to treat diseases. We now provide customized Therapeutic Antibody-coding mRNA development services for global clients.

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Haptens have many applications in immunology. For example, they’re employed to evaluate the structure of epitopes, together with the valence, affinity, specificity, and heterogeneity of antibodies. Learn more: Haptens for Gentamicins Design

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Recombinant Anti-Ad fiber knob x Anti-CEA Bispecific Antibody (Tandem Fab) is designed to be expressed as three chains derived from the variable domains of anti-Ad fiber knob and anti-CEA parental antibodies. It contains a His-tag for affinity purification. And the two Fd regions are connected by a flexible linker. Learn more: Ad fiber knob CEA Tandem Fab

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Idea: MLR Assay

With abundant experience and advanced platforms, Creative Biolabs has developed some MLR methods based on one-way MLR or two-way MLR and many ways to set them up by changing the types of cells used and choosing appropriate readouts depending on your research question. Learn more: MLR Assay

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Recombinant monoclonal antibody to Rhesus factor. Morolimumab is a human monoclonal antibody against the human Rhesus factor. Learn more: Morolimumab

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This gene encodes a member of the ETS family of transcription factors, which are defined by the presence of a conserved ETS DNA-binding domain that recognizes the core consensus DNA sequence GGAA/T in target genes. Learn more about ets1 antibody:

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Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are undifferentiated cells able to self-renew in vitro and generate cells derived from three primary germ layers of the embryo. Due to the potential of differentiation into different cells, they have proven to provide a promising strategy for tissue repair and regeneration, modeling human diseases, and for in vitro drug screening. Creative Biolabs has broad expertise in lineage-specific iPSC differentiation and here we introduce our custom osteogenic differentiation services. Learn more about Osteogenic Cells Differentiation from iPSC:

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Over the past decade, great progress has been made in the field of immunotherapy, especially in the field of T cell therapy. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cell therapy is the most promising approach, which has shown remarkable ability in the elimination of a variety of tumors. While, as more studies focused on B cells, researchers have found that the engineered B cells also have great therapeutic potential in various diseases. Learn more about CAR-B cell therapy:

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As a leading specialist in the development of phage for therapy, Creative Biolabs excels at the production and purification of diverse phages, including reporter phage, labeled phage and therapeutic phage. Our custom manufacturing program consists of laboratory synthesis and rapid scale-up. We offer custom production and purification service according to our clients' needs in a timely manner. Learn more: phage purification

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Because of its complexity and diversity, the analysis of Fc-fusion protein is a very important part of Fc-fusion protein development. Creative Biolabs has rich experience in protein analysis and has established a comprehensive protein analysis platform. With strong foundations, advanced technologies, and experienced experts, we can provide our clients with customer-satisfied Fc-Fusion Protein Analysis Services.

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